My work as a professional photographer is on hold with this coronavírus pandemic.
I don’t have tourists to take pictures in Lisbon or family photo sessions, neither companies’ events.
Today I also don’t know if I’m going to photograph the weddings I have scheduled for May. There’s a chance that these events can be postponed.
But with my eyes wide open there’s always something to photograph.
So… me, my husband and our baby girl (Helena is about to turn two years old next month) are in home isolation. I’ve been doing a documentary photography work about our weeks, on a daily basis isolation.
Rui is working from home (our bedroom becomes his office from 9am to 7pm), Helena is awake from 7.30am to 9pm, with a two hours nap after lunch, she’s playing and growing each day with the challenge of staying inside, getting fresh air in our living room’s balcony/terrace, and going out shortly in the neighborhood. Me, well, I have to keep going.
Let’s be safe, let’s stay home.
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